
This app is based on openFrameworks. It is able to receive multiple Syphon streams, allows you to quad-warp them, reduces their resolution and sends everything out as another combined Syphon stream.

Get it here: https://github.com/Andymann/ofxSyphonProxy

As an example I have a simple VDMX-setup that consists of 2 individual layers. Each layer is sent out via Syphon.

Upon start the ofxSyphonProxy shows an infoscreen to guide you through the possibilities.

The first quad-warper already exists and automatically selects the first existing Syphon stream. If you want to switch between different Syphon streams simply hit SPACE on a selected warper.

You can easily add another quad-warper by hitting ‘+’. The new quad-warper is then selected and can be warped according to your demands. Repeatedly hitting the ‘w’-key switches between existing warpers.

Hitting ‘W’ (capital) locks the setup and hides all warping-points.

Everything is immediately sent out as another Syphon stream which is named ‘ofxSyphonProxy v0.x’. The picture shows the output of the ‘Syphon Simple Client’ as an example.

The ofxSyphonProxy is a nice little helper for those situations where you don’t need the full-feature-set of, for example, MadMapper and other tools.

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